Monday 26 December 2011

My Love One


Nowadays , everybody busy with their special thing right?
My special thing is my family and my friend also my SPECIAL friend . x)
Today , went I woke up . I realise that the one who always be beside me is my family.
So , family must be first in you heart. okayy? :)

1.My precious pretty sister ^_^ ( akak smile instantly :)


nurerinny amir  (pretty right? ) -_-

                           sometimes I feel very jealous of her . Yeahh. she had everthing she want .
                           nea is the most 'keras kepale' in our siblings. if she want it she got it right way.
                          I think she prefer it cause she also kind and polite ( sometimes -_-) . She love
                           sweet things but she also a rough girl that she can ever be.

Her weaknesses . ahhh :-*

2. My funny and silly brother :D

this is my bro. yeahh2! jgn tergoda ! hahaha.. Everyone call him abg long. dont know this truth or not . -_-
Amirul amir :)
He love advanture things but he sometimes afraid of some stupid things.
Mirul much close to n.e.a than me. Haihh.
He like do silly things like dancing D.E.G and superman.
Hahaha. but I dont care cause he is my perfect brother! :)

His major idol :

3. My naugthy and hyper little bro :p

       This one is my last member of the family. He will do whatever
he want and whatever that he thing right to him but not us .
He still in primary school. He is a really naugthy and he never listen to us.
Haihh. normal for last child.

x rase bosan ke..
aq bosan lah
dah lah keje sklh x siap lagi..
comform kene mrh ah..
ngn cikgu..
brg sklh pun x bli lagi..
hmm ape nak jadi lah..

Saturday 24 December 2011

best sial..pertandingan..gempak..
dpt gak jmpe kechik,wani izz dlm mase yg sme DPt gak jmpe zu ngn syafiq..

kenangan.. nye mase nie kan..tpi kechik dah blik awal lu..
sbb nak blik kmpung..

                                                sWeeT MeMoRy..

Saturday 17 December 2011

dpt gak bukak gb ..
aq yang
shahira amir..

fb aq yg ciklang amir tu..
x leh..
tpi x pe aq cbe..

sial lah..
password fb aq  leh bukak..
yang shahira amir tu...
puki lah..
fb kene hacker ish...

semalam aq wat fb bru...
ciklang amir...
hari nie leh gak nak bukak ish..
x kan lah aq kene wat fb baru lagi..

x thu ape nak wat skrg
redha je lah....

Thursday 15 December 2011

kEsAh CuTi

aq rase cuti nie..lah yang paling banyak..
kesah yang sengsara yg aq kene tempuhi..
kawan lame lah bf lah ape lah..
aq benci cuti nie..
aq rase nak sklh jer..
tpi ble sklh rase nakcuti

kesah pertama aq...
aq kene tipu...

seperti biase aq on9 lah..
aq tgok kat i'm aq nmpk lah nama budak nie...
aq terus lah chat ngn die..
lagipun budak nie aq dah knal sejak darjah 4..
bff  aq lah dlu tpi lelaki..
lps tu dah rancak borak nie..
selama beberape ari..
kteorg kaple lah....
lpastu dalam  2 ke 3 ari tu senyap je..
i'm pun x msg lagi lah..
aq dah x leh than lagi..
tgok kat profile die..
mase tuh mmg panas je aq..
nmpk lah something..
yang menyakitkan ati aq..
aq x fikir ape aq terus blog die..
rupa 2 nye ade gf bru..
x sakit ati aq..
dari kesah nie..
aq fhm..
kalau aq nak kaple x yah nak anggap series sgt...

Tuesday 22 November 2011


Happy brthday




Monday 21 November 2011

secOND fWEnz

nie kwn aq yg aq ske..
citerw kan masalah aq kat diorang..
diorang nie lah bgi aq yg terbest...

nie kwn aq izzah sedik..
die lah yg aq selalu kongsi citerw..
x de org laen antara die ngn wani..
tu jerw org yg aq selalu kongsi citerw..
nir pulak wani..
die nie lah yg aq selalu kongsi masalah..
aq masalah bf..
die masalah bf n abg angkat..
tu je lah kteorg..

nie lah kwn2 yg aq syg kechik,engku,wana,yana,izzah,wani..
i hope we still fwenz

 4 eve...

lot of love u all...

Sunday 20 November 2011

mY FWenz

nie kwn2 aq..
kwn -kwn nie lah yg aq syg ..
apabila aq aderw kat sekolah sjb..
nie kechik..

name sebenar die nak dekat ngn nama aq..
nur sYahirah..
sme dorm ngn q..
thun dpn class pun sme...
bidang taRi..

nie engku syazliand..
die ade kene mengena dengan ape tah..
nie pun sme kelas ngn aq tuk thun nie ngn dpan..
die nie emo lah..
scary wa klau nakwat kepalangn die nie..

nie kwn aq yana..
nie x sme kelas ngn aq tuk thun dpan..
tpi x pe maybe form 3 dpt kerw...
nie gilerw2 sme ngn aq..

niee putri nur wana..
nie kwn aq yg aq ske dibawak peluk..
sbb gebu..
die sme kelas ngn yana..

this is me...
nie lah aq yg korang semua.. nak tgok..
gmbr aq..
aq dilahirkan di n.9..
tpi aq tinggal kat s.a..
aq derw 4 org adek beradik..
aq ske makan tompoyak,mee goreng basah..
minum aq jus oren..
aq sekolah seni..

aq DanCe DEpartment :'P.

abOUT my liFe

hyep my name is shahira :')
i just 13 years old..young like..
i just had finish my school at jB..that school name is...
at that school i meets my fwenz..
at that school to i had a fans..
i like someone about 7 month ago..until now..
he so handsome..
but same time i had a scandal...
so it very comfortable for me..
to choose one from them..
and same at the fb ..
some guys says he wants a new releathionship..
with me..

but now i just off my phone .off line..
some like that..
thats all for today byez..

                                                                  shahira :')